Zhuowei, Zhong (Allen)

Office: 2.35
Woodside Building for Technology and Design
20 Exhibition Walk
Monash University, Australia

Email: Allen.Zhong@monash.edu


Allen Z. Zhong is a Research Fellow in the Optimization Group within the Faculty of Information Technology at Monash University. Allen obtained his Ph.D. from the Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2023, under the supervision of Prof. Jimmy Lee. His research interests span the domains of model analysis and machine learning integration in optimization methodologies. His research focuses on exploring model analysis techniques to detect and exploit dominance in constraint optimization and satisfaction problems. Additionally, he is interested in the combination of machine learning and optimization algorithms. Through interdisciplinary approaches, he aims to develop robust and adaptive solutions capable of addressing real-world challenges across diverse domains.

Thesis: Automatic Identification and Exploitation of Dominance Relations in Constraint Optimization Problems [Full Thesis]


  • Exploiting Functional Constraints in Automatic Dominance Breaking for Constraint Optimization
    Jimmy H.M. Lee and Allen Z. Zhong, Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research

  • Automatic Generation of Dominance Breaking Nogoods for a Class of Constraint Optimization Problems
    Jimmy H.M. Lee and Allen Z. Zhong, Artificial Intelligence

  • Branch & Learn for Recursively and Iteratively Solvable Problems in Predict+Optimize
    Xinyi Hu, Jasper C.H. Lee, Jimmy H.M. Lee and Allen Z. Zhong, NeurIPS 2022
    [arXiv][Open Review]

  • Exploiting Functional Constraints in Automatic Dominance Breaking for Constraint Optimization
    Jimmy H.M. Lee and Allen Z. Zhong, CP 2022
    [Full Paper]

  • Towards More Practical and Efficient Automatic Dominance Breaking
    Jimmy H.M. Lee and Allen Z. Zhong, AAAI 2021
    [Full Paper] [Slide]

  • Automatic Dominance Breaking for a Class of Constraint Optimization Problems
    Jimmy H.M. Lee and Allen Z. Zhong, IJCAI-PRICAI 2020
    [Full Paper] [Slide] [Code]

  • Augmenting Stream Constraint Programming with Eventuality Conditions
    Jasper C.H. Lee, Jimmy H.M. Lee and Allen Z. Zhong, CP 2018
    [Full Paper] [Slide] [Code]


  • Conference PC Member of AAAI-21 and AAAI-22
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